Thursday, March 12, 2009

4th Year, 6th Rotation = OBGYN

My first week of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (OBGYN) rotation is almost over now, and surprisingly I felt the week is going by so quickly!
This rotation has the longest hours and it has been very very tiring, but I am enjoying every second of it and I find it very interesting. Oh, and I have so much to tell!

Monday was the first day, as usual we were floating around as to get ourselves familiarized with the new surrounding. Thus, nothing much going on on the first day.. except for tutorials.

Tuesday was OPD (clinics). Antenatal clinics in the morning (~220 patients!! Because next Tuesday is a bank holiday, thus it was a double clinic). I made a mistake of not having any breakfast and I only had the chance to grab a quick bite at 3.30pm!! In the afternoon was gynae clinic which was not so bad.

Wednesday, the doctor I am attached to had Miscarriage clinics, a highly sensitive matter, thus I wasn't needed there, so all I did was took a few histories from patients. In the afternoon, I was in gynae theatre and I got to scrubbed in to assist on the procedures: hysteroscopies and D&Cs, an ablation, mirena insertion and lap BSO.

Today is the best day ever in my history of 4 years in medical school! =P. Well, may have an element of exaggeration there.. But I did get to see loads of things and has been a really educational day for me. In the morning, I was in the labour ward. Got to observe and assist on couple of deliveries. It was a very hectic day in the labour ward today. Cases of induced labour, vacuum delivery, fetal distress, IUGR and acidotic baby all in one day! Then, we were called up to the wards to see a patient who had a 3rd degree tear 5/52 post natal and the patient has PPD! It was such a long consult and a very emotional one. Next, a midwive made a good call of a PPH and the patient passed 1.5L of blood (an emergency in the middle of the ward!). Lucky for me to see and assist in the management of the patient, but definitely unlucky for her to bleed so heavily. Then, I spent the whole afternoon in the ultrasound room. The very first case was a Type 1 Diabetic G1P0 19 yo with a fetus suspected of dextrocardia, AVSD, pericardial effusion - the whole lot! Poor girl and poor baby.. She is to see a paeds cardio for further investigations and review. The last case for the day was a polyhydramnios, the procedure of amnioreduction of ~2.7L was carried out, and I was the one holding the bucket!

A cute 6 yo boy was in the USS room with his mom, granny n big bro, looking at the screen. He was such a charmer and very smart, and he knows exactly what he was looking at. He was asking stuff like, "is that the head?," "i know that's the hand cos i can see the little fingers," and "the baby is lying like this cos i can see the baby's spine!".. But the most shocking question was, "is the baby in small little pieces, mummy?" Adorable!! And he wants a baby boy so he can play with. The big bro n the rest of the family wants a girl for an obvious reason~!

Now, this may be the longest entry on medical stuff. I must really like this rotation to go on and on like this. My doctor said to one of her colleague, "I have a feeling that Hana is going to be an obstetrician one day~!" LOL. Well, I am definitely considering this as my 1st option! =D. Oops, or maybe I shouldn't say that too soon, because I haven't done Paeds yet, I may change my mind then.. *wink*. I am glad that my first choice of electives in Ampang Hospital in June is OBGYN.

p/s: I apologize to my non-medical readers, too many short forms and medical terms... Truly am sorry!


Anonymous said...

best! hahaha... a word of warning - the nurses at labour ward in KL are sooo not friendly! i'm sure u dah dgr dari yuss hehehe... Yeah i liked my OBGYN posting too! especially getting to deliver babies! was like waaaa bestnye bringing a life into this world =)

aziahzuber ialah name saye. said...

wow bestnye ur NCHD. mine was very bitchy. as u probably know by now. haha.. btw, i'll be doing obgyn in hospital ampang too~ see u there!! hehehe