Monday, August 9, 2010

New room

Since I got back, there has been a big project going on in my room. My dad had extended my room, repaint and last Friday bought a new wardrobe from IKEA. =)

My PAX wardrobe is something like this..

But I wish for something like this.. =P (soon...)

After shopping in IKEA, Mr Boyfie & I went to PappaRich for an early dinner.

Steamed curry bun

Hainan Chicken Rice

Weird combinations of drinks but really delicious - (Longan Milk Honey Ice & Soy Milk with coffee jelly or something like that..)

Toast with condensed milk.. yummmmm


Superman's Girlfriend said...

My idea for a wardrobe is like Mr. & Mrs. Smith's. Or Hannah Montana's. HUMONGOUS! I can even sleep in there!

Medertainer said...

My dream wardrobe would be just enough room for me to take a nap.. =P