Monday, July 13, 2009

10C Ward, Selayang Hospital..

Who would have known, after finishing my attachment in Ampang Hospital, I spent 4 days in Selayang Hospital.

My dad wasn’t feeling well since last Sunday week. He was complaining of generally feeling unwell, fever, joints and back pain, as well as dysuria. So the next day, after endless coercing, he agreed to go to our GP. The GP then diagnosed my dad with UTI, and he was given ibuprofen, antibiotics and Urispas (which I don’t even know what that is). After 3 days, he still wasn’t feeling good. His dysuria was gone, but not the other symptoms, and it seems like he was getting weaker.

After another few bouts of coercing, he submitted to his daughters request to bring him to the GP again. It turns out he had haematuria (4+) and proteinuria. I was starting to worry for he might have some kidney problems. The GP wrote him a referral letter with query kidney stones. So we brought him to the ED, Ampang hospital and we had to wait for hours before we get to see the doctor. While waiting for his blood tests and x-ray results, he was under observation with 2 pints of normal saline drip put in.

Couple of hours later, an MO and 2 HOs from medical team arrived and reviewed him. I knew one of the HO and I’ve seen the MO before, and they recognised me. From the results, it turns out that my Dad’s platelet count was 19!! He was then straight away transferred to Selayang Hospital via ambulance as Ampang was full.  It was my first time ever riding an ambulance. The nurse kept asking my dad how he was feeling in the ambulance, he said he was fine. But I felt like telling her, that I was the one feeling sick to my stomach! And I was left with a major headache the whole night from the ambulance ride. Fuuhh…

So then my dad was admitted to 10C, where almost everyone there was diagnosed with dengue fever. Apart from the 2 cases of malaria (one got it from camping in the middle of nowhere and the other was an Indonesian who recently came back from his country).

Now Daddy is at home, safe and sound – but still feeling a little bit weak and his appetite is still not back to his usual. Alhamdulillah, he has no diabetes, no hypertension, and no heart problems. I’m just waiting for him to start his golf games, so that I know he is back to his usual self. =)

1 comment:

A.k.i.r.a ~ c.h.a.n said...

hope ur dad will get better soon hana~