Sunday, February 3, 2008

My Baby You for Mr Irwan

Happy Belated Birthday, Mr. Irwan Kamarull!! You're 23 years old already! but I'm the one with gray hair...!! huhu.. oh, never mind.. it's red now! hahaha

I hope you like the present I gave you thru the phone.. hehe. (and the present I've sent u thru snail mail...). This is the recorded version of what I've given to Mr. Irwan on the phone.. enjoy!

We love this song! It is just so deep and meaningful.. *sob sob*


Unknown said...

fuyoooo mantap2...clap2!! lagu ape nih ekk???

aziahzuber ialah name saye. said...

huuuu.. hepi bday irwan!

Medertainer said...

my baby you by marc anthony.. hihihi.. thanx! =D