Sunday, August 31, 2008

Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak!

Happy fasting, people! =)
It is going to be 16 hrs of fasting here in Ireland.. *gambatte ne!*

Here is a simple dish for your "bukak puasa"

It is very easy to prepare yet it's delicious!
-a bag of sumi jellies (the cone-shaped colourful jellies that we love to eat when we were small)
-a can of fruit cocktail
-a can of evaporated milk (not condensed okay?)

-remove all the packaging of sumi jellies and put them into a big bowl, and pour in all of the contents of both the evaporated milk and fruit cocktail (the syrup as well).
-keep it in the refrigerator for at least 1/2 hour.
-if u don't have a fridge (haha), u can put in ice cubes instead!

and voila! It's ready!

p/s: if u can't find any sumi jellies (like in Ireland), u can substitute by using any kind of jellies, but make sure u read the ingredients ok? no pork gelatine please... =)

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