Saturday, September 26, 2009

Final Med, 1st rotation = General Practice

For the past 4 weeks, I was attached to a practice in Cork.
Our daily activities include 2 hrs sit-in with a GP, 1 hr tutorial, a session for audit/reading time/evidence based medicine, a session with a nurse/physiotherapist/nursing home/pharmacist.
The practice and doctors are excellent and I enjoyed my 4 weeks there.
Ended the rotation with an exam on Friday.
GP rotation contributes to 7.5% of final marks for Medicine module. =)


aziahzuber ialah name saye. said...

eh mane u tahu 7.5%? i tgk dlm module description tu takde pon ckp psl GP tau. eh ke ade tp i tak nampak?

Medertainer said...

ade la time dr o'mahony bg overview lecture 1st week tu..

20/400 for MEQ
10/400 for assessment form yg GP isi.

30/400 = 7.5%