Sunday, January 4, 2009

My new nephew

4th January 2009, marks the day of the birth of my 7th nephew at 0032 hours (Malaysian time). He is the 4th child of my eldest sister and his name is Mohammad Adiffasyah. Alhamdulillah, there was no complication. Though I am a little sad for the fact that I am not able to lay my eyes on him and can't hold him in my arms until June.. *sigh*.

5 day old, Mohd Adif..


aziahzuber ialah name saye. said...

eheh.. mcm u plak yg dpt baby.

Medertainer said...

how i wish.. *sigh*
nak kawen~!! =P
jom kawen, azia..

SOS! said...

aw congrats!