Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Warm Welcome...

Just a special thanx to my sister-in-law, who has become a frequent visitor of my humble blog.. *wink*. This is due to the requests she's been getting from my 2 nieces, after watching my videos..
One of them, Alieshah, has been asking for a guitar from her father.. so that she can play and sing like her aunt.. And the elder sister, Aaliyah wanted a piano.. hehehe. But my brother told them to study hard and become a doctor first before they can get those instruments.. hahaha. (they're gonna b really excited seeing their picture in this blog) =P

Aaliyah & Alieshah
And thanx for introducing this blog to Daddy! hehehe.. now Daddy can have a regular updates of my life here in Ireland without waiting for my weekly phone calls (if he knows how to get to this blog without someone else's help).. =P

p/s: wish me luck guys.. I have an oral tomorrow~!! huhuhu

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