Saturday, July 17, 2010

Domestic Goddess in the making

2 nights ago, I cooked dinner for the whole family. I made roast chicken with cranberry sauce and potato gratin for the main course. Thanx to my dear friend Kamas and her hubby who taught me Jamie's style!

pictures are courtesy of Google Image. The kids were very hungry, didn't had the chance to grab the camera *wink*

And my sister made the appetizers - chili con carne with corn bread and mushroom soup.. Yummy~~!

I was thinking of Lasagna or other pastas for next time around.. and maybe Kasus' famous eton mess for dessert. Yum2!

I may retire from baking cake here in Malaysia since my eldest sister is waaayyy better at it than me! hehe. She went to college to study baking, DUH!!!!


Sunny MST said...

gambar tipu?booooo!original pix or it didnt happen =P

(in case unable to capture pic due to food no longer exist, pls, one more round, and invites to me.thank you)

Medertainer said...

it did happen la!! haha
ok2 next time i'll take original pix, u'r too far away to be invited.. =P